TS Inter Improvements Dates 2024: The Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) is gearing up to release the timetable for the Inter 1st and 2nd-year Betterment exams in mid-May 2024. As students await the announcement eagerly, they can expect the schedule to be available on the official website of TSBIE, bie.telangana.gov.in. These improvement exams […]
Category: Time Table
MSBTE Exam Time Table 2024 for Maharashtra Polytechnic Diploma Scheme
The Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE) has announced the exam schedule for various UG and PG examinations, including the Diploma Summer Exams. These exams are scheduled to take place from May 2nd to May 31st, 2024. Below is a comprehensive summary table along with instructions on how to access the official date sheet: […]
HNGU Exam Time Table 2024: Check BA B.Sc MA M.Sc MBA MCA Schedule
Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University (HNGU) has released the exam schedule for various UG and PG courses to be held in March-April 2024. Students pursuing BA, B.Sc, MA, M.Sc, MBA, MCA, and other programs can now access the date sheet on the official website of HNGU. The examinations will include both theory and practical components, conducted […]
MKBU Date Sheet 2024: UG PG exams schedule Check here
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University (MKBU) has released the date sheet for its UG PG exams scheduled to take place between 14th March and 22nd March 2024. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you navigate through the exam schedule and find important resources. University Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University (MKBU) Exam Courses UG, PG, Diploma, Certificate […]